We are the stewards of our valuable lakes and rivers

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Who We Are

Otter Tail Lakes Property Owners Association is a nonprofit organization formed in 1967 to promote the preservation, protection, and reasonable use of all areas of Otter Tail County bordering on or approximate to the shoreline of Otter Tail Lake. OTLPOA serves as an information resource and advocate for lakeshore owners around Otter Tail Lake, Blanche Lake, Deer Lake, Long Lake, Otter Tail River North, Pelican Bay, Round Lake and Walker Lake.

Our members are lakeshore owners, residents, and others who work together to care for our valuable lakes and rivers, and who understand the importance of lake stewardship. Our unique ecosystem is an important resource, and each generation passes the mantle of responsibility of its care to the next. Today we are the generation which carries this awesome responsibility.

If you’re not already a member, please become one and join with your neighbors that are working to preserve our region’s beauty and legacy.

“We listen carefully to you and use what we hear to develop programs, advocate for positive change, and serve as a resource and advocate for our lakes community.”


What We Do

Lakeshore directory

We help residents stay connected


We ensure you’re heard at state, regional and local organizations 


We inform residents on lake issues such as invasive species

Worm spraying

We help control forest tent caterpillars on lakeshores 

Water testing

We provide vital lake clarity tracking data

buoy placement

We help warn boaters of rock hazards

OTLPOA Foundation

We fund special projects such as free swimming lessons

Learn more


OTLPOA Board of Directors

Eric Gerken

Eric Gerken


Otter Tail Lake


Mark Long

Mark Long

Vice President

Deer Lake


Pat Hunke

Pat Hunke


Otter Tail Lake


Becky Kemling

Becky Kemling


Otter Tail River North


Debbie Ness

Debbie Ness


Otter Tail Lake


Julie Swanson

Julie Swanson


Otter Tail Lake


Duane Hanson

Duane Hanson


Otter Tail Lake


Dan Carlisle

Dan Carlisle


Otter Tail Lake



Tom Kuder

Tom Kuder

Director, Website Manager

Otter Tail Lake


Jerame Tysdal

Jerame Tysdal


Otter Tail Lake


Ken Wentz

Ken Wentz


Blanche Lake


Jeff Skogen

Jeff Skogen


Blanche Lake


Paul Oxberry

Paul Oxberry


Long Lake


Steve Mouritsen

Steve Mouritsen


Round Lake


Mike Wendt

Mike Wendt


Walker Lake

OTLPOA Foundation Board of Directors

Larry Krohn


Steve Brimhall

David Spies

Contact Us

11 + 5 =

Our Mission Statement

The object and purpose of this corporation shall be to

  • Promote the community welfare and civic development of all areas of Otter Tail County bordering on or approximate to the shoreline of Otter Tail Lake and such other land areas further removed therefrom as its members shall from time to time determine 
  • Assist the property owners within said area in the preservation of their civic areas and those of Otter Tail Lake itself, including the planting and promulgation of fish therein and the protection and preservation of wildlife on the land areas adjacent to Otter Tail Lake as may be determined by the members
  • Promote and develop the horticultural development of the areas described
  • Promote the cultural and social lives of the inhabitants of said area 
  • Provide a vehicle by which legal or political problems common to the areas and the inhabitants thereof, including tax problems, may be resolved in any manner provided by law for the common welfare of the members of this corporation
  • Acquire by purchase or other means such real or personal property as may be necessary in carrying out its stated objectives and to mortgage or sell or exchange the same
  • Do any and all other acts permitted by the laws of the State of Minnesota in furtherance of its stated purposes.

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